Dr. Libor Rouček

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16.01.2014 19:31:54

The future of Serbia and Kosovo is in the European Union say S&Ds

The future of Serbia and Kosovo is in the European Union say S&Ds

The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament expressed their satisfaction at the adoption of the 2013 progress reports on Serbia and on Kosovo's European integration process. The resolution was adopted today in the plenary of the European

 Libor Rouček, S&D MEP and vice-president for neighbourhood and enlargement policies, said: 

"The past year saw historic steps forward in the normalisation process, including the success of the first nationwide municipal elections in Kosovo in November. This positive momentum is well reflected in the two progress reports adopted by the Parliament today.

"The S&D Group calls on Belgrade and Pristina to sustain the pace of dialogue and consolidate the gains made so far. We must not forget that the situation on the ground in northern Kosovo remains fragile and complex, and leaves no room for complacency on the implementation of the April Agreement.

"We reiterate that progress toward full normalisation of relations between the countries is crucial to regional stability as well as to Serbia and Kosovo's integration with Europe.

"In this context, the S&D Group congratulates the people of Serbia as the country officially opens negotiations next week on joining the EU. A well-deserved achievement, it also marks the beginning of an intense and challenging period of reforms, especially in areas covered by Chapters 23 and 24 of the accession process, such as the rule of law, the independence and effectiveness of the judiciary, safeguarding fundamental rights and building a track record in the fight against corruption."

Zdroj: www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu, 16.1.2014

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