Dr. Libor Rouček

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30.04.2014 14:21:57

European Socialists and Democrats visit eastern Ukraine

European Socialists and Democrats visit eastern Ukraine

The delegation of MEPs from the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament today completed their visit to Ukraine with high-level meetings in the eastern city of Kharkiv.

 The delegation – consisting of S&D president Hannes Swoboda, vice-presidents Libor Rouček and Göran Färm, and S&D member of the Parliament's EU-Ukraine co-operation delegation Tonino Picula – went to see the situation on the ground and met with local and regional authorities, trade unions and civil society representatives. including meeting with the acting Ukrainian president and prime minister in Kiev yesterday.


Concluding their visit in Kharkiv, the S&D MEPs declared:

"Ukraine is legitimately fighting against Russian aggression. But – maybe even more importantly – Ukraine must fight its internal battles too. Corruption, the shadow economy and an ineffective, over-centralised state administration all mean that fundamental reforms are needed. 

"The central government must focus on both the internal and external fronts for genuine Ukrainian unity. 

"We welcome the announcement of a possible referendum on devolving powers to Ukraine's regions. Years have passed since the promises of the 'Orange Revolution', with no results. The Maidan uprising must now result in reforms to protect all citizens and minorities in Ukraine, and increase unity through more decentralised and efficient state structures."

Zdroj: www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu, 30.4.2014

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