VIDEO Technical failure? No, it was something else. Czech friend of the Alexandrov Ensemble talks on the fatal aeroplane accident the artists suffered. And she is not alone who is not in line with the official explanation

02.01.2017 12:45

Czech lawyer Miroslava Hustakova, who knew several members of the Alexandrov Ensemble personally, and was also assisting in organizing the choir´s Czech tour, spoke her mind on possible aeroplane crash cause and published her opinion on Facebook the day after the Christmas Eve.

VIDEO Technical failure? No, it was something else. Czech friend of the Alexandrov Ensemble talks on the fatal aeroplane accident the artists suffered. And she is not alone who is not in line with the official explanation
Foto: Hans Štembera
Popisek: Doktorka Miroslava Hustáková s bývalým ředitelem Alexandrovců plukovníkem Leonidem Malevem

She is not totally unfamiliar to Russian readers as some her newspaper interviews were translated and published also in Russian, see here or here,where one can read statements like „The EU will collapse, when the hegemony of the USA is over,“ when she talkes about the relationship between the EU and the USA. And this is how she derided the EU economic sanctions imposed against Russia: „The Russians survived 900 days of the Leningrad siege, they will easily get by without French cheese.“

„Exterior cameras of Sochi hotels recorded an explosion of an object that was flying above the sea at a very low level. The plane the choir travelled flew only 70 seconds and reached the hight of 260 metres maximum,“ says Hustakova and attaches a video recording. She futher says the official response maintains what the cameras recorded was an event that took place half an hour after the accident. „Well, what was it then that exploded in the sky half an hour after 92 people had died? Was there another plane?“ the lawyer is asking.

And she keeps on asking some other pressing questions reffering to the fact that 3600 rescuers found only 20 out of the 92 bodies, the rest they tried to put into sacks as they were found not in one piece. „How is it possible that the largest piece of the plane is a piece of fuselage with 10 windows when the plane fell from 260 metres of height only? On the other hand, victims from the plane shot down over Donbass were mostly entire bodies despite the fact they fell from a height of ordinary flight level.“ She asks further: „Choir members are obliged to fasten their seat belts even when travelling by bus. For sure they were fastened during the take-off. How come they did not find the victims fastened to their seats? A number of victims from the ‚Donbass plane‘ were found in their seats, fastened.“

In a discussion under her Facebook post she also wondered why the plane had to stop in Sochi to refuel when the distance to Syria is not that long. „Mr. Zhirinovsky also asked the same question. No one gave him an answer,“ she claims. To those who doubt her she gives advice to watch documentary series on plane crashes that occured due to technical reasons.

In her further comment Hustakova mentioned that the Russians learn fast from their US conterparts. „Allegedly the plane crashed due to its poor technical condition. Well, it is ussually so, when a plane explodes in the air then it keeps on flying only with difficulties,“ she adds with a bit of sarcasm. „Bear in mind who owns the plane, who must have been won to provide for the explosion. They actually do not lie when they say it was not a terrorist attack,“ she remarked provocatively.

„Nevertheless, not to tell the truth is the only solution given the situation. I am convinced that from the first moment some people knew what happened. I do not know why journalists keep on repeating the official, but from the technical point of view misleading nonsense,“ commented on the post Irena Valova, former spokesperson of the Supreme Public Prosecuter Office of Prague, who now as a journalist follows judicial system issues.

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autor: Rostislav Syrský

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